by Admin
Posted on 09-09-2024 10:35 AM
These are structures that in
crease resistance to the impact of an earthquake.
Among the different methods are external post-tensioned metal straps that use precast concrete or the more conspicuous retrofittin
g on the buildin
g itself, in
the form or massive columns or structures. This method is normally used on historical or older buildin
gs that do not allow major in
ternal refurbishments. The rostrevor house in
gton, new zealand uses this method to alleviate the effect of the 30,000 earthquakes of all magnitudes that the country experiences in
each year.
Seismic strengthenin
g, seismic retrofittin
g , and energy dissipation systems represent cuttin
g-edge design strategies that have been successfully implemented to enhance the seismic resilience of numerous buildin
These in
terventions are especially critical in
earthquake-prone areas, where the structural in
tegrity of buildin
gs plays a pivotal role in
g the safety and security of their occupants. Seismic strengthenin
g in
volves rein
g a buildin
g’s existin
g structure to withstand the forces exerted durin
g an earthquake, min
g potential damage and reducin
g the risk of collapse. Techniques can in
clude the addition of steel braces and shear walls to provide additional lateral strength, base isolators to decouple the buildin
g from ground movements, and dampers that dissipate energy and reduce vibrations.
A prescribed retrofit standard and plan set and in formation booklet (pdf) - improvin g upon a concept that origin ated with the city of santa barbara, san leandro developed a recommended standard for regulatin g the quality of home retrofit procedures undertaken in the san leandro community. This standard, published as a prescriptive plan set for strengthenin g wood-frame houses for earthquakes, provides san leandro homeowners or their contractors with a simple and rapid procedure for obtain in g a permit to bolt and brace a typical home foundation system. The prescriptive standards are similar to those published in the uniform code for buildin g conservation and are based on standards which were developed by the "residential retrofit and repair committee" of the california buildin g officials.
Earthquake retrofittin g in volves strengthenin g a structure to make it more resistant to earthquake shakin g and damage. Do you know if your house can stand the rockin g and rollin g from a major earthquake? there are over one million vulnerable older homes in high hazard earthquake areas in california—in other words, homes that could experience significant damage or destruction durin g a major earthquake. Many older homes were built before modern buildin g codes were in place to help protect again st quakes; other homes are more vulnerable to shake damage because of their design. Whether you live in los angeles, san francisco, or any other part of california, learn how to strengthen your home! properly bracin g and boltin g your house’s foundation, known as seismic retrofittin g, can help you avoid expensive structural repairs and personal in jury to you and your loved ones.